Articles Tagged with dog bites

One of the most challenging aspects of a dog bite injury in Marietta is the cost of treatment. Often, these dog bites are disfiguringand they may require reconstructive surgery. This type of treatment doesn’t come cheap – and victims may be totally unprepared for the costs. The obvious course of action is to sue the dog owner – but what if they lack assets? What if they’re struggling with credit card debt and they do not own their own home? In this situation, you might need to consider other parties who may have contributed to your injuries. 

Suing Healthcare Providers for Making Dog Bites Worse

It may be possible to sue a healthcare provider for making a dog bite worse. For example, you might rush to a hospital with an infected dog bite – only to be kept waiting in an emergency room for hours on end. By the time you saw a doctor, the infection might have spread. In this type of situation, surgeons may have no choice but to amputate the infected limb – leaving you with a permanent disability and disfigurement. 

While many dog bite lawsuits involve privately owned pets, others involve police “K9 units.” Dogs are used throughout many law enforcement agencies in Georgia, and these animals are trained to perform various roles. But even the most well-trained animal is still an animal, and they are capable of causing serious, disfiguring injuries. A recent incident resulted in a Georgia man dying from a K9 attack, and the family is asking serious questions. 

Theft Suspect Killed by Georgia Police K9

Recently, the Hamilton Spectator reported that a man from Georgia had died after being attacked by a police dog. The incident occurred in Moultrie, and police say that it began with reports of burglaries. They arrived to find a suspect and attempted to pull him over while he was riding his four-wheeler. 

After a dog bite, you may face significant financial losses. First and foremost, you may incur tremendous medical bills as you seek to address your various injuries. You may also lose income after being forced to miss work due to your injuries. These two losses feed into each other, and it becomes increasingly difficult to pay your medical bills with no income to speak of. Finally, you might incur various “non-economic” damages – including PTSD, depression, loss of enjoyment of life, and other psychological concerns. Who pays for these damages after a dog bite in Georgia?

Dog Owners Often Pay for Damages After a Dog Attack

The obvious party who becomes liable for dog bite injuries is the owner. In Georgia, you can hold these dog owners liable for your injuries – even if they took reasonable steps to prevent harm from occurring. The real question is whether they have enough assets to cover your damages. 

Rabies is a valid concern after a dog bite in Georgia. In the immediate aftermath of your animal attack, you might also become worried about all kinds of other infectious diseases. While rabies is generally quite rare, the statistics are somewhat misleading – and it is always best to approach your healthcare in a cautious manner. What should you do after a dog bite in Georgia? Do you need a rabies shot?

Health Department Confirms New Rabies Infection in Georgia

In August 2024, health officials confirmed that they had seen a new case of rabies in Georgia. However, the patient was not a human—it was a fox. The Health Department says that the dog’s whereabouts and condition are unknown, but they managed to capture and test the fox. While one would hope that the fox was cured, it may have been euthanized for safety purposes.

After a dog attack in Marietta, you may need to familiarize yourself with local ordinances regarding animal restraints. This is because your ability to sue may depend on whether the dog owner violated any of these local laws. If no violations occurred and the animal had no prior aggressive tendencies, a dog bite lawsuit may be impossible. However, Marietta’s dog laws are quite strict – and there are many ways in which an owner might violate them. 

Why Do I Need to Learn About Marietta’s Dog Leash Laws?

Unlike many other States, Georgia does not enforce “strict liability” for dog owners. In other words, the victim must prove some kind of negligence in order to pursue compensation for dog bite injuries. Similar States call this system a “one-bite rule,” but Georgia’s system is slightly more complex. Aside from simply showing that the dog in question has carried out an attack in the past, you may also prove that the dog was unrestrained. If you choose this route, you must consider ordinances regarding dog leashes and similar subjects. 

Stray dogs are becoming a serious threat in Georgia. In May of 2024, numerous sources reported that a “pack of stray dogs” had mauled a mother to death. The incident also left the woman’s children injured, and it sparked a renewed discussion about dog attacks in Georgia. However, later reports suggested that the dogs were not actually “strays” but rather unsupervised and uncontrolled pets of a nearby neighbor. What can you do if you were attacked by stray dogs in Georgia

The Definition of a “Stray Dog”

The definition of a “stray dog” is somewhat elusive. In most contexts, the phrase refers to a dog without an owner. In other words, these are “wild” or “street” dogs. However, people may use this term loosely – and it may refer to a dog that is simply venturing off its property. After the tragic May incident in Georgia, many media sources referred to the animals as a “pack of stray dogs.” However, there is some indication that the dogs were not true strays. An individual close to the family seemed to suggest that the attack was carried out by “the neighbor’s dogs.” If this is true, the animals might have simply wandered or “strayed” off the property. However, another local stated that the animals had been “dumped” on the street. 

Dogs are the most popular pets in the United States. About 65 million households own at least one dog. A dog is often considered a member of the family, but it is important to remember that dogs are animals. All animals, including domesticated dogs, can be dangerous. Dog bites are among the most serious and painful types of injuries. National Dog Bite Prevention Week is a time dedicated to educating the public about dog bites and how to prevent them. 

Dog Bite Statistics

More than 4.5 million people a year suffer dog bites in the United States. Approximately one in five people who are bitten by a dog require medical attention for their injury. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 800,000 people a year visit an emergency room for a dog bite injury. About half of all dog bite injuries occur to children. Children may often be bitten by a family dog or a dog they know. It is essential to understand that any dog, regardless of size or breed, can bite someone. While some dogs may be known to be more aggressive breeds, any dog can bite a person. 

Dogs are extremely popular pets in Marietta, Georgia. Yet, as popular as dogs are, the state of Georgia does not have a statewide leash law.

Instead, specific cities and counties have adopted laws such as regulations regarding owner liability and when a dog must be restrained. Understanding these leash laws and liability issues can help owners prevent dog bites in Marietta.

What is the One Bite Law in Georgia?

Getting bitten by a dog can be scary, shocking, and unpleasant. If you have been bitten or scratched by a dog, cat, or other mammal, it is essential to report the event and get medical attention. Cobb and Douglas Public Health provides specific instructions for reporting and getting medical care.

If you have been bitten by a dog in Cobb County, after getting medical attention, you may want to consider speaking with a Marietta personal injury lawyer. An experienced lawyer may be able to provide insights into legal options.

Coping With a Dog Bite in Cobb County

Do you have a dog? A report from the American Veterinary Medical Association confirms that the number of households owning a dog is 48,255,413. The AVMA cites the total number of dogs in the United States is approximately 76,811,305, or an average number of 1.6 per household. 

If you have been involved in a dog bite incident, the physical and emotional trauma can be significant. You do not have to struggle alone. As an experienced Marietta personal injury lawyer, we understand how challenging it can be when an animal or dog attacks you. 

Beware of the Dog: Some Bite

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